How an Online Weight Loss Coach Can Change Your Fitness Game

online weight loss coach from weight loss programs Kansas City

What is an Online Weight Loss Coach

An online weight loss coach is a professional resource that will help you to lose weight through customized fitness and nutrition plans. Online weight loss coaches work with you on a one-on-one basis to understand your current status, your goals, and formulate a plan that works for you. 

These plans are completely custom and are coupled with support from your coach to monitor your progress throughout your fitness journey.

Why an Online Fitness Coach Can Help You 

Think of online weight loss coaches as team members that are in your corner leading you on your fitness journey. Instead of searching the web for a plan that may not work for your body type or teaching yourself workouts, consult with a certified coach that will guide you. Here are some of the ways an online coach can make an impact on your overall fitness. 

Recommendations Based on Science

When working with a professional online weight loss coach, understand that the recommendations provided to you will be based on science and facts. Not only do coaches have years of experience - so they understand that fads are not long-term solutions, but if you choose the right coach, they will also have knowledge around the mechanics and science of the body. 

Many times, fitness gurus online have a method that helped them to get fit and they believe that selling the same method they used will yield clients the same positive results. Good online weight loss coaches know that different bodies need different things and success can only be achieved through couture plans. These two methods of coaching are very different and typically the first method results in gaining the weight back again because the plan was not the right plan for you. 

Easily Accessible 

The reality is that we have shifted into an almost completely digital age. Most correspondence is done through email, many meetings are done through Zoom, and most of us have gotten used to the flexibility that we have from being able to access our resources online. 
The same can be done with your fitness journey. Part of the beauty of having an online coach is that the times for both parties can be more flexible. Instead of finding time for both people and taking time to drive to a location while figuring in work hours and traffic hours, you can work with your coach to find flexible times that work for you to meet online.

One of the concerns we often hear is, “will I get the same results if I can’t meet with my coach in person?” Our answer to this is a giant yes. Most of the time we can see even more positive results because of the digital factor making checking in easier. Due to having all of the online resources, you can actually connect with your coach more frequently, keeping you accountable and motivated.

Keep You Accountable 

Having accountability can be a big driver for success. Unfortunately, if the only person we have to explain things to is ourselves, then we can get lazy and stop putting in the work. The beauty of working with a weight loss coach is that you are a priority to them and monitoring your progress is a priority. This means that there will be a lot of communication between you and your coach. 

Communication will be centered around if you are hitting your calorie intake, if you are drinking the right amount of water, your physical activity, and even your mindset. Having these check-ins and getting honest about progress will keep you accountable in ways that may not be possible without a coach. 

Remember that accountability doesn’t have to be seen as a negative thing and is actually a positive. It allows you to continue to put in the work over time and slowly change your habits to become healthy ones. 

Access to Community 

As people who are looking to get healthy, it can be easy to get lost in the, “well, I already know what I need to do to get healthy.” While this may be true, exposing yourself to a community of people who are also learning about metabolism and taking on the challenge that is changing your lifestyle, can be extremely beneficial. 

This is one of the benefits of working with an online weight loss coach. Although your sessions may be private, your coach will likely connect you with other people who are also on their own fitness programs. This can be done in Facebook groups or online meetings. 

The impact of a monitored group like this can be immense because you know it will not be filled with fad methods or methods that can harm your metabolism. Instead, it will be filled with support from like-minded people who are learning the same things as you. 

Will Online Weight Loss Coaching Work For You? 

Now that you understand what a weight loss coach is and how they can help you achieve your goals in a more efficient manner, it’s time to decide if getting online weight loss coaching is right for here. Below are a series of points to consider when choosing to get online coaching. 

Are you ready to commit to a plan? 

There’s a big difference between being ready to lose weight and being ready to commit to a plan. The first part of coaching is assessment and the second part is getting a couture plan and making sure you stick to it. Are you ready to make the day-to-day changes that a plan will require? 

These changes will include monitoring the number of calories you are eating, making sure to get some form of motion in, incorporating strength training, and more. 

Do you have time to devote to coaching? 

Outside of sticking to your fitness and nutrition plans, do you have the time to devote to meetings with your coach? Depending on the coach, they may want to meet with you on a weekly basis, bi-weekly basis, or monthly. Apart from these one-on-one meetings, there may be group Q&A sessions where you have access to other people who are also going through similar fitness programs. 

Make sure that you have the time to devote to these meetings as they will play an integral part in your successful weight loss journey and overall accountability. 

Do you find success with online classes/ communication?

Being that all communication will be online, do you consider yourself to be someone who is tech-savvy? There will be instances where an app download, facebook reply, and/or Zoom meeting is required, and you should be prepared for that. 

Besides being able to utilize these online tools, it is also important to think about your own personality and if connecting with people and programs online is right for you. Are you a person who works better in-person? Or does the flexibility and versatility of online coaching intrigue you?

Are you open to being honest with yourself and your coach?

One of the biggest problems online weight loss coaches experience with people who are not losing weight is honesty. Engaging with an online coach requires complete transparency into your life, your current weight, your current habits (especially the not-so-great ones), and more. Any shame around your current situation has to go out the window. 

There is no room for not telling the truth about any of the above because then the wrong plan may be created, and you may not get the most use of the accountability aspect. For example, if you are not 100% truthful about how much you are eating or working out, your coach will not be able to give you helpful tools that may help you reach your target. If you are not truthful about untracked calories, then your coach cannot correctly monitor progress. When starting a program and a relationship with a coach, you have to be ready to bear it all. 

Are you willing to invest in your health?

Working with an engaged coach that is providing customized plans is an investment in your health. There are very reasonable plans starting at a couple of hundred dollars a month.

The great part about investing in your health is that most of the time when we pay for something, we want to, “get our money’s worth.” The same holds true with a program like this. When you invest in your fitness journey, you are more inclined to actually put the work in and not fall off the plan. 

The fact of the matter is, you have to decide how much a more confident, stable, nourished you is worth? Can you really put a number on long-term health and wellness? 

Couture Fitness: Online Weight Loss Coaches

Let us help you boost your metabolism! Book a free strategy call —or email We’ll set up a 15 minute call to discuss your goals and dieting history and help develop a customized plan that allows you to eat more (really!). We’ll also talk about how you can exercise to build calorie-burning muscle. The Couture Coaching Team wants to help you create a body you love—for life! 

Want more metabolism-boosting ideas? 

*Join our private Facebook Group (Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30)

*Listen to our podcast

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*Get our free video on how you can increase your metabolism

Click the links below to learn more about our programs:

*1:1 coaching programs

*self-paced Master Your Metabolism Online Course.


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